Sunday, August 27, 2023

The Hermit could not Distinguish his Own Thoughts from those of the Enemy

St. Leo of Optina (1768 - 1841)

Elder Fr. Leonid answering questions from Alexey Polikarpovich Bochkov, later Antony, Hegumen of the Cheremenetsky monastery.

6. How do we know which thoughts are actually ours and which are from the devil?

I was told by a hermit of Konevets that while he practiced the noetic prayer for a long time, he could not distinguish his own thoughts from ones of the enemy. The enemy when drawing your thought to something, does not say to you, ‘Go, do this and that,’ but as if thinks for you, and tells you with your thought, ‘I want to do this and that; I believe that this is useful, and this is harmful; I have decided to do this and that.’ And all these things are often not yours, but the thoughts of the enemy, covered by your or his self. You think they are your thoughts. No, you are only listening to the enemy's suggestions [Those who heed their salvation should remember this carefully].


Those who Work for any Sin Cannot Have True Faith

St. Tikhon of Zadonsk (1724-1783)

Saint Tikhon of Zadonsk. "On True Christianity". Volume 2.

I am not here talking to you, a Christian, about that faith which consists of the knowledge and keeping of right dogmas: Christians who live lawlessly also have this faith. But I am talking about the faith of the heart, living and saving (about which it was said above), this faith is not in the one who is faulty and does not live according to Christianity, even though he professes and preaches faith. Consider that Christ says: "Ye cannot serve God and mammon" (Mt. 6:24). Just as those who serve God no longer work for mammon, so slaves to mammon no longer serve God. It is impossible to work for God and mammon at the same time, according to the word of Christ. And from this we can conclude that even those who are slaves to any sin no longer serve God. And not serving God, they do not have faith, for without faith it is impossible to serve God. “Without faith it is impossible to please God,” the apostle teaches (Heb. 11:6). To serve and please God is one and the same.


The Man did not Hope for God, but then He Came to His Senses

St. Ignatius (Brianchaninov) (1807-1867)

Saint Ignatius (Brianchaninov). "Patericon".

The elders told the following about a certain gardener, who, while cultivating his garden, gave as alms everything he worked out, and kept only what was necessary for subsistence. Subsequently, Satan put a thought into his heart: save up some money for yourself, so that you have for your needs when you grow old or suffer illness. He began to save money and accumulated a pot with coins. After that, he happened to fall ill: his leg began to rot. He spent the accumulated money on doctors, but the doctors could not give him any help. The most experienced doctor visited him and said to him: if you do not dare to cut off your leg, then it will all rot. As a result, a day was appointed for the amputation of the leg. On the night preceding this day, he came to his senses, began to repent of his deed, sigh and cry, saying: “Remember, Lord, the alms that I used to give when I worked in my garden and used the money I earned to serve the sick.” As he was saying this, an angel of the Lord appeared to him and said, “Where is the money you have accumulated? where is your chosen object of hope?” The gardener, realizing then what his sin was, said: “Lord, I have sinned. Forgive me, from now on I will not do it again. Then the angel touched his leg, and it was immediately healed.

The doctor, as it was agreed, came with iron tools to cut off the leg and did not find the gardener at home. To his question: where is the gardener? They told him: from early morning he went to work in the garden. The doctor went into the garden and saw the gardener digging the ground, glorified God, who instantly granted healing from a disease incurable by human means.


Wednesday, August 2, 2023

A Monk Had Untrue Tears

Saints Barsanuphius the Great and John the Prophet. "Letters".

St Barsanuphius the Great (6th cent.)

Letter 461.

A brother asked the Great Old Man: “Tell me, father, whether the compunction that I think I possess is genuine, and whether I should live here on my own. Also, pray for me because I am troubled by bodily warfare.” Response by Barsanuphius.

Brother, your weeping and compunction are not genuine at this time; rather, they come and go. For genuine weeping, which comes with compunction, becomes like a servant submitted to us without separation; and a person who possesses this does not experience warfare. It even wipes away one’s former faults and washes away all spots. Moreover, in the name of God, it continually protects the person who has acquired it. It also expels laughter and distraction, while at the same time unceasingly maintaining one’s mourning. For weeping is a large shield that deflects all of the fiery arrows of the devil. The person who possesses it experiences absolutely no combat, whether that person is with others or even with prostitutes! [Such a gift] is always with us and fights for us.

So I have demonstrated for you the sign of weakness and of courage. Do not think that God could not relieve you from the battle; for he could indeed have relieved you, especially for the sake of the saints who were praying for you. Nevertheless, because he loves you, God wants you to be trained through many battles and exercises in order to reach the measure of good repute. And you cannot reach this point unless you keep all that I have commanded you through my letters, vainglorious teacher that I am. As for staying by yourself, this is a very special gift. When it comes to you, I shall inform you about this myself. Apply yourself now, child, as I have told you, and I believe that you will find progress in Christ. Do not be afraid. May the Lord be with you. Amen.


When Vainglory is Increased, it Leads to Pride

St Barsanuphius the Great (6th cent.)

Saints Barsanuphius the Great and John the Prophet. "Letters".

Letter 460.

Question: “What is a person with vainglory, and what is a person with pride? And how does one come from vainglory to pride?” Response.

One comes to vainglory by seeking to please people; and when this is increased, it leads to pride. Forgive me, brother, and pray for me.
